
The Courting Song

Well, her face looked pretty in the candle light;
And, the boy he thought that it was only right
To ask that girl to be his wife;
If they could be wed.
Well, his ma, she could not understand
How the boy she'd loved had now become a man.
But, his daddy knew that he could remember when
So, he called the boy and he said...

Tell me what you gonna do when the well runs dry?
What you gonne do when her babies cry?
What you gonna do when the lightning strikes?
He said, I'll turn right around and I'll love her.

Well, his ma, she said "Well, if you love her true
Talk to the preacher; let him counsel you.
'Cause that girl's just forward enough to
Betray you with a kiss!
Well, the good brother quietly smiled.
He said, "I've known you now for such a while.
And, not long ago, well you were just a child.
Are you ready for this?"

Tell me what you gonna do when the well runs dry?
What you gonne do when her babies cry?
What you gonna do when the lightning strikes?
He said, I'll turn right around and I'll love her.

So, he said to the boy, "Well I guess you must
Talk to her daddy. He's a good man, but
He'll be hard as nails until you win his trust.
May the good Lord bless you!
So, her dad took a long draw on his pipe
Was it smoke that clouded up his eyes
When he tested the suiter to see if he were wise
By asking him these questions?

Tell me what you gonna do when the well runs dry?
What you gonne do when her babies cry?
What you gonna do when the lightning strikes?
He said, I'll turn right around and I'll love her.

Well, you may have my daughter's hand
And a fifty acre plot of land.
But, you must work it well. Yes, you must be a man.
And if you can, I'll give her to you.
So, he asked his lover if she'd take his name.
If she'd bear his children..."Yes!" she sang.
But, when troubles come and visit down our lane
What do you think you're gonna do?

Well, I'm gonna love you when the well runs dry.
I'm gonna love you when your babies cry.
I'm gonna love you when the lightning strikes.
I'll turn right around and I'll love you.
I'll turn right around and I'll love you.

                  ~~Courting Song, Rich Mullins


Aine - Bea Tray White Wood
♥ ♥ ♥

DICTATORSHOP - Luxe - Courting Chair
Texture Change
20% discount @ Cosmopolitan until May 11th, at Main Store thereafter
More Info HERE
DICTATORSHOP Luxe - Floor Lamp Luna Una Decor
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More Store Info:

Oaklynn Chele Frame - Art

*LODE* Decor - Royalty Vase [crimson]

::SMC:: Dirty Girl Clutter

Muniick - Roebling Lounge Gramophone, Cabinet, Stack

{what next} - Fiddle Leaf Plant (ceramic)

[CIRCA] - "Madame Gypsy" Area Rug - Solid Knit - Ruby

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